Monday 19 October 2009

The Six Dynasties 220 - 589 魏晉南北朝歷史稱為六朝

The Six Dynasties 魏晉南北朝歷史稱為六朝 (from From AD 220 - AD 589) - this is the period where most textbooks and lecturers skipped - but this period represented a golden period in China. Most historians would jump from the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, but what had happened in China within these 369 years? We will discuss this period in detail on this blog - we will talk about famous people, literature, arts, religion, etc. of this period...

The Six Dynasties – this period in Chinese history was a period of chaos and disunity but it was also a period when Chinese arts and literature flourished, paving the way for the great literary achievements in the Tang and Song dynasties that followed.  During this period, the gradual invasion of the non-Chinese nomads from the Chinese borders had brought much influence to the Chinese culture, affecting its religious belief as well as cultural developments in many aspects.

The Six Dynasties were:
1.  Cao Wei  曹魏 (220-265) – the leading kingdom of the Three Kingdoms 三國
2.  Jin 晉 (265 – 420)
3.  Liu Song 宋 (420 – 479)
4.  Qi 齊 (479 – 502)
5.  Liang 梁 (502 – 557)
6.  Chen 陳 (557 – 589)

六朝 - 魏晉南北朝(220年—589年),應稱三國兩晉南北朝,是中國歷史上的一段基本分裂的時期。這個時期由220年曹丕強迫漢獻帝禪位開始,到589年楊堅滅南朝陳而重新統一而結束,共369年。其間,西晉皇朝曾短暫統一,但八王之亂後出現五胡亂華的局面,政局再度混亂。439年,北魏統一北方,與江南的南朝宋形成南北對峙,中國自此進入南北朝時期。581年,楊堅改北周國號為隋,並於589年滅南朝的陳政權,統一中原,建立隋朝,結束魏晉南北朝。

