Monday, 3 April 2017

Hamlet - Prince of Denmark - 皇子復仇記 (4)



所以要將莎翁這劇本改成歌劇或音樂劇等,編劇家都要動腦根把皇子的愛人 Ophelia 的戲加重,在歌劇裡便特別加插了 Ophelia 瘋癲至自殺的那一幕。


很多已經成功及有名氣的男演員都很渴望演繹 Hamlet 的,因為這個角色能讓他們盡量發揮他們精湛的演技,這個角色是被認為是任何演員的最終挑戰,扮演這角色在許多地方需要顯示這角色的複雜情緒,究竟要復仇抑或不復仇呢?他是面臨人生的一個非常重大的決定,他就要憑他的內心戲來引起觀眾對他的同情,Hamlet 都是一些最好演員夢寐以求的角色。

知名度的演員演繹過 Hamlet、除了上世紀英國著名莎翁名劇演員 Laurence Olivier (羅蘭士奧利花 - 演過電影及舞台劇) 之外:
其他更有 Mel GibsonRichard ChamberlainJude LawKevin KlineKeanu Reeves,還有許多、數不勝數。

年青有為的粵劇編劇家黎耀威在兩年前把 Hamlet 改編成粵劇公演,獲得好評如潮,一位外藉朋友看了,非常讚賞。他在今年四月五及六日再度重演皇子一角,可惜我不在香港,又要錯過這個大好機會欣賞這齣名劇了!

Saturday, 28 January 2017

Kitchen Renovation

Trust me, don't renovate your kitchen if you don't really need to! I've had a horrible experience with this Kitchen Designer. Before I signed the contract, they promised me that it wouldn't take long to get it done. The most, a few days without the use of the kitchen, that's exactly what she had said! I believed everything they said because my high-school classmate who is an interior designer introduced them to me. And silly me - I believed that they really meant a few days!
From January 4 up to today, Jan 27, on Chinese New Year's eve, my kitchen isn't ready. They told me that someone would come in first thing in the morning around 8:30 am to do the tiles and backsplash so I woke up early in the morning and waited, waited, and waited. Nobody came! Around 11:45 a.m., I called and emailed them, nobody got back to me. At 12:30 p.m., I finally sent them an urgent email asking them to find that guy or tell me what's going on. Guess what! They said the tile guy's truck had an accident and would show up tomorrow morning on Chinese New Year Day to finish the job! Can you believe that?
Now when someone got back to me on the phone, she told me that how come I didn't know that any renovation job would take a long time...a few weeks at least. And she said that I should know that!
And they're not cheap either! In fact, quite expensive! If I could only go back to the time before I signed this contract and undo everything...I would!